Dell offers lesson in Intel-AMD rivalry

Chip option that Dell is on the PC business lines offer an insight into the problems of Advanced Micro Devices, after the decision of the European Union Wednesday against Intel.
Dell has no AMD-based notebooks in the Business Line

"At the moment we have an AMD desktop, but not AMD notebooks, Darrel Ward, director of product management for Dell Business Client Product Group, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday the issue is not with the EU case. "If you talk with us year from now, it is likely to be different. As we try to do is to optimize our portfolio outside, where we see where supply and demand, we can take the best ROI (Return on Investment) for our engineering dollars. "

Sun, Dell is in secret negotiations with the corruption in the interests of Intel in the AMD box? We do not know the answer to this question, but most likely not. Dell is simply to offer what it considers best for its customers.

AMD in 2001, a complaint with the European Union in 2005 and the subsequent antitrust case against Intel have driven many of the allegations against Intel. And AMD argument was quite clear by the decision of the EU: that is to say, Intel is the strengthening of a dominant position in the illegal manner, without competitors in the PC processor market.

But what AMD competitiveness? And as a result, why manufacturers such as Dell to choose AMD over Intel?

"Partly it's because Intel production is so beautiful," said Dan Hutcheson, CEO and chairman of VLSI Research, a marketing research. "And the fact that Intel has such a large scale. It was one of their big advantages."

Hutcheson said that many companies have tried to run on Intel over the years and not - but not necessarily because Intel behave in illegal ways. "Transmeta said they knock Intel Foundry (factory-) model. And then there was Cyrix," said Hutcheson. "We had dozens of companies in recent years, it said that it is cheaper (than Intel). AMD is the only one in the vicinity."

AMD tries to gain market share is not so rooted in the behavior of Intel, but AMD's own strategies. "I 'm not sure how much luck from AMD in recent years really trace the behavior of Intel," said Charles King, Punda-president and the top IT analysts. "Should we largely missed the growing market for mobile computing, because the decisions that you receive. Notwithstanding AMD Intel May suffered discounts and rebates on programs the company has really hurt more than the same period."