Nokia has launched its mobile Ovi Store

Nokia launched its Ovi mobile phone store around the world, bringing the third-party applications for a number of Nokia devices. The shop has had its share of launch-day criticism, but will not be dealbreakers in the long run if the shop gathers steam.

Ovi Nokia Store is officially open for business, bringing users a Nokia App Store-like interface to download third party software. Applications range from practical to fun, and while some costs, many others are available free of charge. Extended reach with Nokia worldwide, the company has the potential to grow on Ovi App Store Apple Store proportions-while fixing some UI quirks and appeals to the community of developers.

Although technically Ovi Store is available on a wide range of Nokia devices, not all the applications available on any device running the selection for less capable devices certainly better as more developers to release software for the store. You can find the applications that work with phones that choosing a specific Nokia device on the main page Ovi Store. Like other mobile phone shops of its kind, the Ovi Store offers selections in a variety of categories, such as games, music, social networks, entertainment, utilities, and more, and users can search for content on the basis of keywords as well. There is also a section for "Recommended" applications that will download a selection of specially for the device and tailored to your specific location a useful feature when you're traveling.

As can be expected, the Ovi Store has had some hiccups in the world after its launch. Ovi's team has already recognized the store to slow down the performance on the Web after ET 2 this morning, though apparently the device Ovi Store client is performing "very well". Other hiccups include a number of applications that show up to two times the store listings and search for keywords, and general confusion UI. For example, clicking on a particular type of store on the page after searching, you do not just go to the category that you try to search in this category, often resulting in zero results. You can see everything in a category of compensation after a query manually or return to the home page.