CEO MySpace Janjikan Perubahan

CALIFORNIA - Pimpinan MySpace yang baru, mengatakan saat ini MySpace tengah membutuhkan beragam inovasi dan pembaharuan.Owen Van Natta tidak menyebutkan secara spesifik inovasi yang akan dikeluarkannya. Namun yang jelas, Van Natta mengatakan dia ingin memperbaiki kondisi MySpace yang saat ini tengah mengalami penurunan jumlah pengguna, demikian keterangan yang dikutip dari News Yahoo, Kamis (28/5/2009).

"Saya melihat begitu banyak kesempatan yang bisa dibangun dalam MySpace. Oleh sebab itu saya bersedia bekerja di MySpace, karena ada banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai inovasi," kata Van Natta.Meski dipuji atas kelebihannya dalam konten hiburan, namun MySpace tak bisa menghindari kritikan atas keterbatasan teknologi yang kalah saing dengan rivalnya Facebook.Hal itu berdampak pula pada persaingan jumlah pengguna. Secara global, MySpace memiliki jumlah pengguna sebanyak 130 juta, sementara Facebook, 200 juta pengguna.

Van Natta yang merupakan mantan eksekutif Facebook mengatakan sebuah kesuksesan harus melalui proses trial and error, dengan risiko kegagalan dalam proses tersebut.Menurut Van Natta MySpace sangat berbeda dengan Facebook karena memungkinkan pengguna menjadi 'super-creative' dalam mendesain halaman situs mereka."Saya sangat percaya MySpace bisa memanfaatkan peluang dari kelebihan ini. Tugas kami saat ini adalah membuat MySpace sangat disenangi oleh setiap orang," tandasnya.

NSN Help M1 do modernization 2G Network

JAKARTA - M1 do modernization 2G network to be on the high-speed mobile broadband in the future. MobileOne (M1) will increase the ability of Internet Protocol (IP) in the 2G network held as part of the network modernization initiative. This upgrade will allow operators to provide customers a better service for the high-speed mobile broadband, setting up the growth in the future with minimal cost and reduce carbon emissions. This modernization will be carried out by Nokia Siemens Networks and will be completed in 2011. Upgrade to the IP network is an important step towards a change in the M1 Long Term Evolution (LTE) and will provide a transition toward mulus 4g.

"Modernization network is in line with our strategy to invest in the future. This will allow us to be ready to meet the various needs of our customers in the future and continue to offer the optimal level of service for them as they felt for this. The introduction of new radio technology This will also allow us to use and manage energy resources and our spectrum more efficiently, "said Chief Executive Officer of M1 Karen Kooi, through the authorized information.

But, Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Base Station the reach of the award is also a radio system that the world's smallest and most power saver, which allows the operator to cut capital and operational costs. Nokia Siemens Networks also will provide network optimization services and maintenance related to ensure that the quality of the network remain high through the contract for five years. Christian Fredrikson, Head of Apac, Nokia Siemens Networks, said cooperation with the M1 has been started since a long time, including the development of 2G network more than 13 years ago. Being part of the evolution of M1 and to prepare the business for the future is the very moment that plume.

Nokia has launched its mobile Ovi Store

Nokia launched its Ovi mobile phone store around the world, bringing the third-party applications for a number of Nokia devices. The shop has had its share of launch-day criticism, but will not be dealbreakers in the long run if the shop gathers steam.

Ovi Nokia Store is officially open for business, bringing users a Nokia App Store-like interface to download third party software. Applications range from practical to fun, and while some costs, many others are available free of charge. Extended reach with Nokia worldwide, the company has the potential to grow on Ovi App Store Apple Store proportions-while fixing some UI quirks and appeals to the community of developers.

Although technically Ovi Store is available on a wide range of Nokia devices, not all the applications available on any device running the selection for less capable devices certainly better as more developers to release software for the store. You can find the applications that work with phones that choosing a specific Nokia device on the main page Ovi Store. Like other mobile phone shops of its kind, the Ovi Store offers selections in a variety of categories, such as games, music, social networks, entertainment, utilities, and more, and users can search for content on the basis of keywords as well. There is also a section for "Recommended" applications that will download a selection of specially for the device and tailored to your specific location a useful feature when you're traveling.

As can be expected, the Ovi Store has had some hiccups in the world after its launch. Ovi's team has already recognized the store to slow down the performance on the Web after ET 2 this morning, though apparently the device Ovi Store client is performing "very well". Other hiccups include a number of applications that show up to two times the store listings and search for keywords, and general confusion UI. For example, clicking on a particular type of store on the page after searching, you do not just go to the category that you try to search in this category, often resulting in zero results. You can see everything in a category of compensation after a query manually or return to the home page.

File Extension DOT

What do you know about the File Extension DOT? If you're anything like me, not much, honestly, I had never even heard of him before, but in fact is a small extension is very important! File Extension DOT is Microsoft Word file, but used as a model for other programs that are very useful.

On You can download a free program that will help you find and heal your computer has a problem in May. They have many testimonials on the site for the user and the software seems to have been served with the end goal.

Solve your QIF File Extension

File extension QIF is ASCII text files created by Quicken financial software. This is more for Open Financial Exchange (OFX) and used for transactions, financial management, and other applications such as Microsoft Money, KMyMoney, GNUCash. File extension QIF themselves that the use of the data transfer protocol. Although the QIF file format was originally developed by Intuit, but non-exclusive and is supported by several programs and accounting. QIF is an acronym for Quicken Interchange Format. but some people in the May QIF stands QIF QuickTime Image File that has been made and packed by Apple QuickTime.

If you have a lot of QIF files with the extension, you must have software that can store all your files. You should also easy to use, fast and reliable. All the features that I speak before available in the software File size 1 MB and supports Windows Vista. Other features is a software update can find important, to make your computer run faster and avoid crashing. You do not need to register for fileextension.qif to download the software. I like the best, it's free. You do not need to buy software that has many features.

Dell offers lesson in Intel-AMD rivalry

Chip option that Dell is on the PC business lines offer an insight into the problems of Advanced Micro Devices, after the decision of the European Union Wednesday against Intel.
Dell has no AMD-based notebooks in the Business Line

"At the moment we have an AMD desktop, but not AMD notebooks, Darrel Ward, director of product management for Dell Business Client Product Group, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday the issue is not with the EU case. "If you talk with us year from now, it is likely to be different. As we try to do is to optimize our portfolio outside, where we see where supply and demand, we can take the best ROI (Return on Investment) for our engineering dollars. "

Sun, Dell is in secret negotiations with the corruption in the interests of Intel in the AMD box? We do not know the answer to this question, but most likely not. Dell is simply to offer what it considers best for its customers.

AMD in 2001, a complaint with the European Union in 2005 and the subsequent antitrust case against Intel have driven many of the allegations against Intel. And AMD argument was quite clear by the decision of the EU: that is to say, Intel is the strengthening of a dominant position in the illegal manner, without competitors in the PC processor market.

But what AMD competitiveness? And as a result, why manufacturers such as Dell to choose AMD over Intel?

"Partly it's because Intel production is so beautiful," said Dan Hutcheson, CEO and chairman of VLSI Research, a marketing research. "And the fact that Intel has such a large scale. It was one of their big advantages."

Hutcheson said that many companies have tried to run on Intel over the years and not - but not necessarily because Intel behave in illegal ways. "Transmeta said they knock Intel Foundry (factory-) model. And then there was Cyrix," said Hutcheson. "We had dozens of companies in recent years, it said that it is cheaper (than Intel). AMD is the only one in the vicinity."

AMD tries to gain market share is not so rooted in the behavior of Intel, but AMD's own strategies. "I 'm not sure how much luck from AMD in recent years really trace the behavior of Intel," said Charles King, Punda-president and the top IT analysts. "Should we largely missed the growing market for mobile computing, because the decisions that you receive. Notwithstanding AMD Intel May suffered discounts and rebates on programs the company has really hurt more than the same period."